Garden at the Ridge
972 462 9700
“Yes, the Lord pours down His blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest.” Psalms 85:12
Garden with Us | Learn With Us | Volunteer Info | Garden Angels | Wish List| What's Happening NOW!
Our Mission:
To use church land to grow fresh, nutritious produce that will be donated to those in our church family and in our community who are in need.
Our Plan:
Develop a community garden where people can actively participate in the joys of gardening and learn more about growing food for themselves and others.
Our Purpose:
Growing food for the hungry in our community. We are a donation garden that will serve local food pantries.
Walnut Ridge Baptist Church (360 campus) is providing the garden plot, water, parking area and access to restrooms. The church will also assist in promoting the garden plan to our church family.
Garden at the Ridge managers are responsible for the overall operation of the garden.
Large tools (except hand tools/pruners), mulch, compost, amendments, and gardening information, as well as a selection of seeds and transplants will be provided. In the future, other opportunities for leadership roles are planned to support the various needs of the organization.
Garden Plan
- 24 3 ft x 6 ft raised beds 12 in deep, with 3- & 4-ft walkways
- Gathering area with benches and cedar cross
- Located on west end of building at the School entrance next to the parking lot in mown area
- Initial Garden Managers, Jim and Marilyn Sproul, will provide and install the raised beds, perimeter timbers and ground cover.
How it works:
- Church members who wish to work and learn in the garden may join online and complete a simple application (see under Volunteer Information.)
- Those unable to join us in the garden may serve as “Garden Angels” (see Menu).
- Volunteers will attend workshop training sessions onsite to learn basic gardening techniques.
- Hours worked will be recorded at garden site.
- Produce will be sorted, weighed and recorded by Garden Managers.
- Volunteers will share harvest according to hours worked, up to 50%.
- At least half of fresh produce will be available to distribute to the needy in our
- community.
Benefits of a Community Garden
- The church will be sharing a previously unused resource, empty land, with the congregation and ultimately, the community.
- Apartment dwellers and those without space for a garden will be able to help raise fresh food for their families and for others by volunteering a few hours a month and working with experienced gardeners.
- Hunger in the community will be relieved by donations of fresh vegetables to the needy in our congregation and local area food banks.
- Gardening gives people a chance to enjoy fresh air and healthy exercise.
- The plants in a garden add oxygen to the air and help reduce air pollution. They also absorb rainwater, reducing the amount of runoff that winds up in our creeks and lakes. We will also use recycled plant waste such as leaves and grass clippings to make useful compost.
- Sharing a garden gives people a chance to connect with their neighbors. Working in a garden makes one feel more personally invested in the church and the community, as one sees the fruits of their labor benefit their families and friends.
- Working in a garden is a good way for kids to learn about where food comes from and gain a basic introduction to environmental issues and working with their hands. Adults as well will learn the basics of growing food and tending a garden.
- “You are closer to God in a garden than anyplace else on earth.” Included in the garden plan is a place to sit and enjoy the beauty of growing plants.
We will offer educational onsite learning opportunities for new gardeners in workshops, handouts and by working alongside those with experience in growing vegetables. We hope to provide programs for children in the future.
Basic planting and growing tips will be available here that will be relevant to the season.
Volunteer gardeners agree to work at least 4 hours a month at the garden site. With the assistance of experienced gardeners, volunteers will learn to plant, maintain and harvest fresh vegetables in the prepared beds.
Volunteer Guidelines
Volunteer gardeners will be asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Participate in the weekly work assignments to maintain the garden.
- Learn and use organic gardening methods by attending workshops and working alongside the Garden Managers.
- In the beginning, volunteers will contact Garden Managers for work schedule and task assignments.
- Record time spent working in the garden (record-keeping will initially be kept by Garden Managers.)
- Water as necessary, according to methods provided onsite.
- Harvest produce as coordinated by Garden Managers, understanding that their share of the harvest depends on time spent working. (One-half of the harvest will be donated to local food pantries and/or church members in need.)
- Volunteers will respect the efforts of other gardeners and not harvest without permission. (Consuming an occasional ripe tomato while working will be overlooked!)
- No smoking, profanity, drug or alcohol use or pets will be allowed. Workers will be responsible for the behavior of their guests and visitors.
- Keep safety a priority. Hoses should not present a trip hazard in main pathways. Large tools must not be left on the pathways. A First Aid kit will be available for small injuries. Children are encouraged to participate but must be accompanied by an adult.
- Volunteers will agree to keep our garden a happy and peaceful place where all participants can enjoy the beauty of nature!
Our mission of growing food to feed the hungry in our community will require many hands and many hours to succeed. Church members who would like to assist in this project but who are unable to physically do the work (or who lack the time to volunteer), may help by making donations to purchase tools, equipment, mulch and soil.
“Garden Angels” may donate to a general fund or purchase specific items listed below. Our Angels, of course, will be welcome to visit and enjoy the garden at any time.
Wish List Top
- For Tools
A Lifetime 130 gal. Outdoor Desk Box/Bench with Lockable Lid, Model #60012 (Home Depot $198.38)
- Durable outdoor benches (that can be secured to ground) - new or used
- Picnic table, or folding tables - in good condition
- Birdbath with solar fountain
- Produce scale
- Bluebird house
- Purple Martin house and mounting pole
- Portable sink/table for cleaning vegetables