What’s Happening in the Garden

“Yes, the Lord pours down His blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest.” Psalms 85:12



Jim has been busy building raised beds in our garage, and we set out the last of the 3-ft x 6-ft beds on the last day of December. There are fourteen beds about one foot deep, and seven that are about 18 inches deep, as well as the four front herb beds. A “Garden Angel” gave us some window boxes that we are modifying to use for flowers and pollinator plants on the north side of the garden. Jim will be finishing up the narrow raised beds this week for blackberries that will be set out on the garden’s west side (towards the trees).

The church donated all the straw bales that were used for the “Follow the Star” event. We plan to use them to make compost. Compost area will be behind blackberries and will be constructed from old pallets. The church also put in a hose bib that ties into the sprinkler system, so we do have water (just need some hoses.)

Some work still needs to be done to prepare the beds for soil. We ordered 10 yards of Rocky’s good garden soil to be delivered next week. The owner kindly donated two additional yards ($120 value), as well as a reduced delivery charge! What a blessing!


Rutabagas, carrots, leeks and onions made it through the single- digit freeze just before Christmas. Even though covered with frost cloth, broccoli, cabbage, chard and bok choy didn’t make it. Oh well, just more material for the compost heap!


We will start filling the beds as soon as the bagged soil is delivered, so if you are able to push a wheelbarrow and would like to help, let us know when you are available. ( 817-881-2311) Many hands will make the job go quickly…then we can start planting out leeks, onion plants and garlic. Remember to save your bagged leaves and grass clippings (if they haven’t been treated with herbicides.) Pray that God will continue to bless our efforts to feed the hungry!

(Under Garden Angel section)

Special thanks to the following “Garden Angels”:

  • The Hannas
  • The Butlers
  • The Spiegels
  • Barbara Kempe
  • Rocky’s Stone & More
Thank You!

What's Happening from October!