What’s Happening in the Garden


“Yes, the Lord pours down His blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest.” Psalms 85:12


Thru April 23rd

Lots of activity in the gardens this time of year! Spring is here! Although it's been a cool one, it hasn't been too cold/wet/windy for most of our young plants. The garden is full of growing things, new trellises are in place and the compost is well on its way to becoming...compost.


Our thanks to the faithful few who have come out to volunteer in the garden - Carolyn & Ed Grune, Kaitlyn Sears, Barbara Verbeke, Dana Cappelletti, Mary-Margaret and family, and Demetria Ray and her kids - we appreciate your help!

We have donated 10 lbs of fresh produce to the Mansfield Mission food bank this spring! On Saturday, April 22, we held a workshop for volunteers, then did some planting and harvesting. Our volunteers shared half of the produce with the food bank.

Our "Welcome to the Garden" is scheduled for Sunday, May 7. The church is running a promo video and bulletin announcement to invite our church family out to the garden between and after services that day. We are preparing signage for the garden to help visitors know what we are doing. Please invite your friends and family to visit! We will be having a work day Saturday, May 6, to ensure the garden is in tip-top shape!


Leftover plants not needed in the big garden (and not handed out to volunteers and others) are doing well in the raised beds in our backyard. Seedlings of marigolds and sunflowers have been started for the plant giveaway on May 7. No problems with insect pests yet, but keep watching for aphids and cutworms. Most of the produce from our backyard garden is also donated to the food bank. Text me photos of your own gardens, and we will share them here.

What's Happening from February